Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year

I mainly have three goals this year- lose weight, get straight a's, and spend more time with friends and family on the personal level.

My weight loss goal is going to be incredibly simplified. I plan on losing one pound a week. And I'm going to try to change only one habit at a time. I've also already scheduled time in for going to the gym and now I just need to notify my job of my schedule changes. Spencer and I have been going for walks around the duck pond, too.

To get straight A's I'm super pumped to start studying and for school to start in general. I've scheduled time each day to study for about an hour so that things don't get out of hand.

Lastly, my plan to spend time with friends and family on a more personal level is due to the fact that I know Spencer and I are pretty shoved up each other's butts. Haha. So yeah. We need to have life outside of each other. I love my family and my friends, but I do need to hang out with them more.

My holidays were fantastic! :)

I received many great gifts and I can't wait to use everything. One thing I do plan on doing is creating some videos. I want to show off my Life Binder and how I organize my agenda. I love watching those kinds of videos on YouTube so I figured I should add my own.


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